What Is Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)?
Endodontics is a branch of dentistry. The word endodontics was formed by combining two words in Latin endo, which means "inside", and odont which means "tooth". Endodontics treats the inside of the tooth. It is called ‘root canal treatment’ in Turkish. Inside the tooth, there is a soft tissue called pulp under a hard layer called white enamel and dentin. The pulp contains blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, and during development forms the hard tissues around the tooth. The pulp extends from the top of the tooth to the tip of the roots, where it attaches to the tissues surrounding the root. Pulp is important during the growth and development of a tooth. However, once a tooth is fully mature, it can also live without pulp because the tooth continues to be fed by the tissues surrounding it.
If your dentist or endodontist recommends root canal treatment to treat a damaged or diseased tooth, you don't need to worry. Millions of patients' teeth are saved with canal treatment, their pains are eliminated and the teeth become healthy again.
A modern root canal treatment is very similar to a routine filling and can usually be completed in one or two appointments, depending on the condition of your tooth and your personal situation. Canal treatment is relatively painless and extremely effective.
There are many advantages to recovering a natural tooth with root canal treatment:
- Efficient chewing
- Normal bite force and sensation
- Natural appearance
- Protecting other teeth from excessive abrasion or strain
What Is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment is a treatment that is performed to destroy bacteria in the infected root canal, prevent the tooth from becoming infected again, and save the natural tooth. When root canal treatment is performed, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, afterwards the treatment is completed by filling the root canal.
How To Know If You Need Root Canal Treatment?
Endodontic treatment is necessary when the pulp, the soft tissue inside the root canal, becomes inflamed or infected. A root canal treatment may be required for deep caries and cracked teeth due to blunt-force or accidents, or problems caused by a previous filling. In patients, root canal treatment may be needed when there is usually constant pain in their teeth, especially against the hot and cold. There are several symptoms which indicates that you may need root canal treatment.
- Severe pain when chewing or biting
- The appearance of pimples on the gums (oral fistula)
- A tooth that has been prepared or cracked
- Persistent sensitivity to heat or cold, even after the causative agent has disappeared
- Swollen or sensitive gums
- Deep caries that go under the gums
What Are The Stages Of Canal Treatment?
- We ensure that you do not feel any pain with anesthesia.
- The caries is cleaned or the broken part is removed and the nerves of the tooth are reached.
- The nerves and tissues at the root of the tooth are cleaned.
- The root canal is shaped up to the root tip.
- Depending on the condition of the tooth, a single session of treatment can be performed or it can last for several sessions.
- In between the sessions, the area is dressed with drugs that will heal the inside of the root and the tip of the root.
- At the end of canal treatment, the inside of the canal is filled up to the root tip with special fillers.