Practices To Prevent Bad Oral Habits In Children

If some oral habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, clenching, mouth breathing in children are not left at a certain age, milk teeth impair the health of permanent teeth and negatively affect facial development by causing functional disorders in the jaw joint.
While the factor in teeth clenching-grinding habits can sometimes be high dental fillings, the factors causing this situation should be determined and treated in children who breathe through the mouth.
In cases where oral habits cause dental disorders, the need for advanced orthodontic treatment is reduced by ensuring that children have a healthy bite with the habit-breaking appliances used in the milk and mixed dentition period.
It is extremely important to consult a pedodontist in order to detect oral habits in the early period and eliminate them before permanent teeth erupt.
For detailed information about pedodontic treatments, you can send an e-mail to or contact us at 444 0 987.