Covid-19 Information

Healthcare institutions are high-risk organizations in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic; thus, they need to be managed well. For each patient who comes to our center, a NEW CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19) PATIENT INFORMATIVE CONSENT FORM and a Covid-19 inquiry and treatment authorization document are filled out. Our patients who show symptoms compatible with Covid-19 are referred to healthcare institutions by taking the necessary precautions.
The measures, which we implement, are based on the Covid-19 Guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health;
- The entrance to our center is controlled via HES (Hayat Eve Sığar – Life Fits into Home) code inquiry.
- Companions are not admitted, and it is limited to a maximum of one person when necessary.
- Restrictions on requests for promotional and visiting purposes remain in place.
- Healthcare workers and our patients (if necessary, companions) must comply with the mask rule during their stay in our center.
- Apart from emergency procedures, our center works with an appointment system.
- Disinfection units are located in all public areas and patient units to ensure hand hygiene.
- Our patient treatments are carried out in closed treatment units for one-person and ventilated with fresh air in accordance with pandemic conditions.
- In accordance with Covid-19 measures, our healthcare workers put on scrub hats, protective googles, visors and N95 masks during diagnosis and treatment procedures.
- Medical waste is properly separated at its source.
- Cleaning and disinfection operations are carried out using appropriate cleaning materials according to the characteristics of the areas in our center. Disinfection of the frequently contacted areas (tables, benches, corners, elevators, stair handles, door handles, chair handles, electric light switchs, washing rooms, keyboard, telephone, intercom, patient call bells, etc.) is carried out more often.
- From less contaminated to more contaminated areas;
"In the disinfection of floors and surfaces an intermediate level of disinfectants are used,
"While in areas contaminated with patient extracts a high level of disinfectants are used.
- All our surgical equipment used for treatment purposes is sterilized in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Health and the DAS Association (Disinfection, Antisepsis and Sterilization Association).
We implement preventive Covid-19 measures to protect the health of our employees and patients.