Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry) is a branch of dentistry that deals with the oral and dental health of newborns, children or adolescents.
Pedodontist follows-up the primary and permanent teeth and maxilofacial development of newborns, children or adolescents, implements preventative treatments for these individuals and treats them when health problems arise.
When Do Primary Teeth Start To Erupt?
The first primary tooth in infants erupt usually around 6 months , with the eruption of two lower anterior central incisors. The eruption of the lower anterior central incisors is usually followed by the 2 upper anterior central incisors and then respectively lateral incisors, first primary molars, primary canine teeth and primary second molar. The completion of eruption of twenty primary teeth in the mouth takes place approximately between the months of 24 and 36.
Period Of Eruption Of Primary Teeth
Restlessness, increase in saliva production, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss due to infections that may occur resulting from the desire to bite certain objects and scratch gums with it, slight swelling and red-purplish discoloration in the area of erupting teeth may occur during the period of eruption of primary teeth in infants.
In some cases, there may be a natal tooth in the mouth during childbirth, or a neonatal tooth that has erupted in the mouth immediately after birth. In these cases, the pedodontist determines whether the tooth is the baby's own primary tooth or an extra tooth, and checks whether the tooth is loose. In the presence of a loose tooth, a decision can be made to remove the tooth, since the tooth may be swallowed by the baby, and the baby's nutrition may also be affected.
Why Are Primary Teeth Important?
In addition to the fact that primary teeth provide nutrition for infants and children, they also serve as a guide for permanent teeth that will erupt after them, and also contribute to maintaining space, speech and aesthetics. Primary teeth differ structurally and anatomically from permanent teeth. Therefore, primary teeth are more susceptible to the development of caries and abrasions.
As a result of the occurance of cavities in primary teeth, feeding and nutrition of infants or children can be adversely affected due to the pain, and malnutrition is observed. As a result of losing teeth due to the caries, space for the following permanent teeth can not be maintained and children, who go to school, have difficulty in concentrating in classes due to pain and anxiety, they experience sleep disorders, while children with rampant caries may become shy and avoid talking and laughing because of their appearance. Therefore, it is of foremost importance that children are examined with the eruption of the first tooth of the baby (6 months) by a dentist no later than 12 months before cavities occurs.
When Do Primary Teeth Start To Erupt?
The eruption of permanent teeth usually begins with the eruption of the first permanent molar around the age of six. Both primary teeth and permanent teeth are present in the mouth during the period of permanent tooth eruption, approximately between the ages of 6 and 13. Caries lesions, which may develop in one or more primary teeth, can affect the adjacent permanent teeth. Therefore, visiting a dentist regularly starting from the eruption of the first primary teeth, is important to maintain the oral health of the babies and infants in the future.
Pedodontics Treatments Applied In Our Clinic
- Application of Fissure Sealant
- Application of Fluoride
- Restorative and Endodontic Treatments of Primary Teeth and Permanent Teeth (Filling, Amputation, Root Canal Treatment)
- Use of Habit Breaking Appliances for the Prevention of Bad Oral Habits
- Space Maintainer and Child Prosthesis Application
- Treatment of Dental Trauma
- Dental Treatments under Sedation or General Anesthesia